All tagged historical biography

The Leaf Detective

Imagine hanging from a large rainforest tree in a makeshift harness made from seat-belt straps! Nobody has ever ventured into the rainforest canopy, so you have no idea what you will face. You don’t even know if the harness that you made yourself will hold!

John Bunyan

The life of John Bunyan, the famed preacher and author, is outlined in this book. John Bunyan’s early life is riddled with misbehavior, willfulness, bad language and drinking. At sixteen, he joins the Parliamentary army and narrowly escapes with his life.

Counting on Katherine

Katherine Johnson loved Math. She showed unusual talent in Math and Science even as a young girl, and continue to shine during school. However, Katherine lived in the segregated South where she was not allowed to attend the white High School.

Freedom Over Me

               There are a plethora of books on the sad subject of slavery. Some are remarkable. Others are just good. Some are outstanding. This an outstanding book! Now, the reason that I say its outstanding is because I have never seen a book that approaching the subject of slavery like this one does.

Irenaeus of Lyon

Irenaeus was an early church father who focused particularly on clarifying the beliefs of the church in order to counteract the influence of the Gnostics. Little is known of his background besides the fact that he studied under Polycarp and wrote theologically.