

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Secret Engineer: How Emily Roebling Built the Brooklyn Bridge

Secret Engineer: How Emily Roebling Built the Brooklyn Bridge

Title: Secret Engineer: How Emily Roebling Built the Brooklyn Bridge

Author & Illustrator: Rachel Dougherty

Picture Book

A long time ago, Emily married Washington Roebling. Washington Roebling was an engineer and his father, John A. Roebling also was an engineer. He built bridges and he had a new idea. He wanted to build a bridge across the East River in New York City using towers and steel cables. No one had ever dared to try this risky new design. Together, the Roebling family works together to make a new idea stand. However, John died just prior to the beginning of building the bridge and Washington became very ill during the building of the bridge. Can Emily finish the bridge?

The Prisoners, the Earthquake and the Midnight Song

The Prisoners, the Earthquake and the Midnight Song

Evelyn the Adventures Entomologist: The True Story of a World-Traveling Bug Hunter

Evelyn the Adventures Entomologist: The True Story of a World-Traveling Bug Hunter