

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Ordinary People Change the World: I am Martin Luther King Jr.

Ordinary People Change the World: I am Martin Luther King Jr.


Ordinary People Change the World: I am Martin Luther King Jr.

Brad Meltzer

Illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos

Picture Book

               We can’t keep this series in library! The kids just keep checking them out. They like the fun cartoon like illustrations. It’s a fun way for them to learn about the different people’s lives and how they changed the world. I’ve like all the books that I’ve read! However, I have avoided the ones that would be borderline… It’s called smart choices…

               The book starts with funny and sobering stories from Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood. Martin Luther King Jr. was very accident-prone. He had many terrorizing accidents, but he also got up after each fall. It also shares the story of his young white friend. They played together and played together. When it came time for them both to go to school, his friend’s parents no longer allowed them to play together.

               As he was growing up, Martin Luther King Jr. witnessed many injustices. His parents were quick to teach him that it is better to love than to hate. He took this teaching with him throughout his life and also taught others it too.

               The story continues with his stay in Birmingham Jail, the Children’s Crusade, the March on Washington and the march toward Montgomery, Alabama. Throughout each of these events, Martin Luther King Jr. tried his best to show love and to teach other to show love. Mostly importantly, he taught them to march together to achieve our goals.

Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau

Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau

Taking on Giants

Taking on Giants