

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Let the Children March

Let the Children March


Let the Children March

Author: Monica Clark-Robinson

Illustrator: Frank Morrison

Picture Book

                There are a lot of fabulous books about this time and the rise of equality, but this book is one of the best ever! Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was asking for people to march to peacefully protest the inequality and racial injustice. The Mommas had to work and the Daddy had to work, so the children volunteered to march. About 1,000 children come together to march in protest. On the first day, the Police arrest hundreds of children. The next day, even more children came together to march. The Police continue to work to disperse the marching children. Eventually, the whole country heard about the marches even the President. Several weeks later, the peaceful resolution came that started desegregation across the country. This is a powerful book! These brave children were willing to take a peaceful stand against injustice. 

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An A from Miss Keller

An A from Miss Keller

Yuki and the One Thousand Carriers

Yuki and the One Thousand Carriers