

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Cheaper by the Dozen & Belles on their Toes

Cheaper by the Dozen & Belles on their Toes

Cheaper by the Dozen & Belles on their Toes

Authors: Frank B. Gilbreth, Jr and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey

Grade Level: 7&8th/Adult

Cheaper by the Dozen showcases the lives of efficiancy experts Frank and Lillian Gilbreth and their children. This book is a just chock full of a fabulous, fun stories about the dozen children growing up together. They learn how to swim in the most efficient way. They learn how to do literally everything in the most efficient way from bathing to eating to learning at school. This book captivates readers and allows you to grow up with the fabulously efficient twelve Gilbreths.

            Belles on their Toes is the long awaited for sequel to Cheaper by the Dozen! As always, the life of the Gilbreth tribe is entertaining and lively. This story highlights how the family morns their Father, but also moves pass their loss and continues normal life. This story also follows the family as they struggle to support themselves after their father dies as well as following the children as they grow up. In a way, the book is a tribute to the hardwork and sacrifice that Mrs. Gilbreth made for her family. She took over the consulting firm and was able to support her large family.

            The book starts with Mother being gone on a business trip and all of the children catching chicken pox. Now, the children know that they must go to extreme measure to insure that they do not spend much money even if they have chicken pox… Thankfully, every lives through the chicken pox episode, so they can move on to going to The Shoe for the summer. This has its own hassles and drama, none being more funny than Martha, the extreme packing manager, forgetting her own suitcase. These are only of small tastes of the delightful stories you will encounter while reading Belles on their Toes.

            This story is about growing up and includes stories about dating etc. For the most part, the book is clean. Just be aware that some of the decisions made are not exactly ones that I would advocate for or would condone. All in all, I loved this book. It’s hilarious and had me laughing out loud and wishing for a dozen siblings. Okay, that dozen sibling part may be a bit too far… 

Life has a Face

Life has a Face

Making Things Move

Making Things Move