

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 




Title: Tanisha

Author: Jewel Carter

Grade Level: 7&8th and up

Twila Hammond’s family has a special family mission. They welcome children in the foster care system into their home and have adopted two children. Twila loves working with children and helping her Mom at home when she’s not at school. She is so excited when the social worker tells them that she has another child for them! The social worker cautions that this child may bring extra challenges due to her background story. At first, things go really well, then things go really badly. The social worker explains that Tanisha has an attachment disorder. This means that Tanisha reacts to situations in a different way than people without attachment disorders. Join the family as they walk beside Tanisha on her journey.

This is an excellent book. The author walks the balance well of telling stories about a child with attachment disorder without sensationalizing the story. This book is a must-read!

Other Words for Home

Other Words for Home

Come Along to the Bahamas

Come Along to the Bahamas