

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Harry the Dog Series

Harry the Dog Series

Harry the Dog Series

Author: Gene Zion

Illustrator: Margaret Bloy Graham

Picture Book

No Roses for Harry

            Good ole Harry is back with a wonderful gift from Grandma, or maybe not so wonderful. Grandma knitted Harry a new sweater for his birthday. Harry likes how cozy and warm his new sweater is, but he does not like the roses that adorn the sweater. He decides that he looks ridiculous in this sweater. He tries to loss the sweater when they shopping in town, but someone also returns it. When they come home from town, Harry goes out to the backyard. He is quite depressed about his sweater until he finds a loose stitch. A bird swoops down and grabs the loose string from the sweater. In a flash, the sweater is gone. Now, Harry can be happy again. Well, until Grandmas comes. Will she find out about the sweater?

Harry and the Lady Next Door

                We’ve meet Harry, the white dog with black spots, in a few other books. This time, watch him interact with his neighbor.  His neighbor is a lady with a lovely voice, but she sings very high. Harry doesn’t like when she sings very high.  Harry tries all manner of things to stop the Lady next door from singing high, but nothing he does works. 

Finally, the town is holding a singing contest.  Harry goes with his family, but is horrified when the Lady next door sings.  He decides to try a very mean trick, but instead of hindering the Lady next door from singing; he helps her win the prize. 

Another delightful tale about the helpful or should we say mischievous dog.  Children who are just beginning to read will enjoy reading another Harry story. 

Harry by the Sea

                An amusing tale of a white dog with black spots going to the beach. Harry and his family are going to beach.  Somehow, Harry just seemed to make a nuisance of himself.  He makes the walls of the children’s castle fall down; he crowds the family under the umbrella.  Harry decides to walk away from the family.  He walks for a long time in the shadow of a woman, but woman chases him away.  Now, he’s a long way from the main part of the beach.

                Harry sits down by the ocean.  Suddenly a wave washes right over him, covers him in seaweed and takes him out into the ocean. A lady swimming near him notices him and screams. The lifeguard blows his whistle and everyone rushes out of the ocean including Harry. The seaweed still covers Harry and he is happy because now he is nice and cool.  He runs toward the main beach to find his family.

                Everyone is terrified of Harry. The lifeguards try to catch him, but Harry evades them. Suddenly, Harry thinks he hears his name, so he runs off toward the noise. It’s just the hot dog man, but Harry spots the children.  He jumps up with excitement and his seaweed falls off and reveals the dog beneath. Finally he is reunited with his family.

                A funny story, but due to the beach setting quite a number of the picture are deemed rather inappropriate.    

Harry the Dirty Dog

                Once upon a time, there was a white dog with black spots whose name was Harry. Now, Harry liked everything except baths. He heard the water running and knew that it was bath time.  He took the scrubbing brush and buried it.  Then he went to play in the dirtiest places he could find.  He played and played.  Soon he was a black dog with white spots instead of a white dog with black spots.  Finally, he was hungry and decided to go home. 

                When he got home, none of the Harry’s family recognized him.  So Harry did all his clever tricks to prove to his family that he was Harry! The family still didn’t recognize Harry. He started slowly walking away from his house, when he suddenly had an idea. He went to the corner of the garden and dug up his scrub brush.  Then he dashed upstairs and hop in the tub.  After the bath, his family realized that it was Harry!

The Clouds of War

The Clouds of War