

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Harry the Dirty Dog

Harry the Dirty Dog

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Title: Harry the Dirty Dog

Author: Gene Zion

Illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham

Page Number: Unnumbered

Grade Level: 2+

               Once upon a time, there was a white dog with black spots whose name was Harry. Now, Harry liked everything except baths. He heard the water running and knew that it was bath time.  He took the scrubbing brush and buried it.  Then he went to play in the dirtiest places he could find.  He played and played.  Soon he was a black dog with white spots instead of a white dog with black spots.  Finally, he was hungry and decided to go home. 

               When he got home, none of the Harry’s family recognized him.  So Harry did all his clever tricks to prove to his family that he was Harry! The family still didn’t recognize Harry. He started slowly walking away from his house, when he suddenly had an idea. He went to the corner of the garden and dug up his scrub brush.  Then he dashed upstairs and hop in the tub.  After the bath, his family realized that it was Harry!

               Another fun winner in the Harry Series. All the children (and adults!) are sure to enjoy the stories about Harry. 

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The Window in the Wall

The Window in the Wall

At Any Cost

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