All tagged North America


            Rachel lives in the wonderfully wild and mostly white land of Alaska. Her father races in one of the most famous dogsledding races, Iditarod. Rachel likes to watch her dad race, but mostly she wants a dog of her own. One of her dad’s best dogs has a new litter of puppies.

Early Thunder

Sometimes it can be hard to imagine what life was like "back then." Sometimes, with the help of a talented author, the imagining can be quite simple. "Early Thunder" makes it simple.

Secret of the Shark Pit

Josh Ladd is a fellow who loves adventures. Unfortunately, his best friend Tank moved to Hawaii. Now school is really boring because there is no one to have adventures with. Luckily, Josh’s dad caught a writing assignment that will take the whole family to Hawaii.

Harry the Dirty Dog

Once upon a time, there was a white dog with black spots whose name was Harry. Now, Harry liked everything except baths. He heard the water running and knew that it was bath time.  He took the scrubbing brush and buried it.  

Zane and the Hurricane

Zane and the Hurricane is an epic tale. It’s honest and straightforward. It tells of the disgusting, nasty, terrifying effects of a catastrophic hurricane. It tells too of how three courageous people and a dog survive it all.

Shoeshine Girl

Sarah Ida was being exiled to her Aunt Claudia’s house for the summer. She had been making some bad choice. She was hanging out with bad friends, so her parents decided she needed a change of scenery.

The Pushcart Wars

Terrible, mammoth trucks have taken over the streets New York City.  Pedestrians, drivers, but most importantly pushcart peddlers are standing up for their street rights.  The trucks are recklessly endangering the lives of anyone on the streets,

I Survived Series

This is another series that was begged and begged for by the children at our school. So far, I’ve enjoyed the books as a whole. The author does a fantastic job of immersing herself in the story.

Some Writer!

As a little girl, I was always fascinated by the lives of authors, especially the ones that wrote my favorite books. When I came across this biography of E.B. White, I was eager to read it. The book definitely delivered! I was entranced.