

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

I Survived Series

I Survived Series

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Title: I Survived Series

Author: Lauren Tarshis

Grade Level: 5&6


           This is another series that our school children begged and begged for. So far, I’ve enjoyed the books as a whole. The author does a fantastic job of immersing herself in the story. This makes the characters come alive. When reading, you feel like you are in the middle of a tornado, hurricane or whatever event you are surviving.

I will issue one caution. These series are not written from a nonresistant perspective. This is clearly evident in the books about wars.  

Here’s the book by book synopsis.

I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005

           The whole town of New Orleans is preparing for the ferocious storm, Katrina. Barry and his family live in the Lower Nine. Barry and his neighbor Jay like living in Lower Nine. Together they invent new super-heroes! Their new creation is named Akivo. Barry just finished the drawing but didn’t have a chance to mail it before they evacuated.

           As Barry and his family are evacuating, many other people are also evacuating. Cars have packed the highways. It’s a traffic jam of epic proportions! They are patiently waiting. Suddenly his sister Cleo wakes up from her nap and starts throwing up. So the family turns around and heads back home.

           Barry and his father stay up to watch the game and check on the house. The wind blows. The rain pours. The house stands. Soon Barry falls asleep on the couch. The wind blows. The rain pours. Now, the levee breaks. Water surges everywhere. Barry wakes up and it’s 6:00 o’clock in the morning. The front door bursts open and water pours everywhere. Barry and his family scramble to the attic, but Barry’s father sees that they need to move to the roof. Amid the wind and the rain, they lay on the roof. Somehow, Barry falls off the roof. Can he survive and be reunited with his family?

I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944

           Now, I’ve read a gazillion books on the Holocaust. Okay. I’m exaggerating, but I’ve read quite a few books on the Holocaust. As I read them, I marvel at how each one is written from a unique voice. This one is written from the perspective of the Jewish partisan.

          Max and his sister Zena are Jewish children in Esties, Poland during the invasion of Hitler’s army. They and their father are forced to move to the ghettos. One day, their father is coerced aboard a train. Now, Max and Zena are on their own.

          One day, they are walking along the fence that surrounds the ghetto. They are famished! Suddenly, they spot a bush full of berries, but the bush is across the fence! Max slips through the fence and gets caught by a Nazi soldier. Zena slips under the fence to help. Max wiggles and struggles. As the German soldier tries to subdue him, his gun accidentally goes off; shooting himself. Max and Zena both run into the woods. One problem. The Nazi soldiers are searching the forest. The children don't know where to turn. They run into a local farmer.

           The farmer is a secret member of the Jewish partisan force. He protects the children from the Nazis as well as the other partisan soldiers.  The Nazis are searching for these partisans. The partisans had blown up a Nazi train that was hauling explosives, tanks and more gunpowder. The partisans are willing to take the children back to their camp. Can they arrive at camp safety and find the people they have lost?

           This book is not written from a nonresistant perspective. It does offer an interesting perspective on the choices that some made while resisting the advances of Hitler.  

I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011

           Ben, his brother Harry and his Mom are visiting his Dad’s family in Japan. Their father served in the American Air Force. He survived his plane crashing in enemy territory but was killed stateside in a car accident. He had been planning this vacation to Japan before he died. Ben’s mother decided that they would still go visit their Uncle Tomeo or Ojisan in a seaside village in Japan.

           One afternoon, the boys are in their bedroom. The ground started to shake. It shook. And shook. The shakes are hard, strong and long. The boys are trapped in their room! Ben sees the ceiling beginning to crack, so he and Harry dive under the bed. After the earthquake is over, their mom and uncle dig them out.

           Minutes after the earthquake, a siren started wailing. Everyone looks out to sea. In the distance, they can see something. Something huge. Instantly, Ojisan runs to the car and the boys and their Mom pile into the car. They race away. Will they be able to beat the wave and survive?

           Again, this book isn’t written from a nonresistant perspective. The father and mother both served in the Air Force. Before, the father died; he told Ben the story of his plane crash and how he survived. Ben used some of the tips and tidbits his father shared to help him survive the earthquake and tsunami.

I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916

           Elm Hills, New Jersey is a new town for Chet. His parents are in California on business and he is living with his Uncle Jerry. Chet starts working at his Uncle’s dinner. He likes that the local people hang out at the local diner. He likes knowing everyone in the community. He even finds some friends! They like to go swimming at Matawan Creek.

           One day, the news is all over town. There’s been a shark attack in New Jersey! The man was swimming alone. Out of nowhere a shark appeared and bit him! People couldn’t believe it. They thought that it was a hoax. Sharks don’t attack people. Sharks are scared of people. This couldn’t be happening. Not in New Jersey.

           The boys keep swimming in the creek. The boys even play a trick on Chet. They make it look like a shark was swimming toward him. They continue playing pranks on each other. One scorching day, Chet is swimming by himself. He sees a huge fin swimming toward him. Immediately, he swims toward shore. He scrambles on land just in time. Now, he has to warn everyone. Will anyone believe him?

I Survived the Attacks of September 11, 2011

           Lucas loves to play football. His Uncle Benny had first introduced him to the game when Lucas’ Dad was in the burn unit. Uncle Benny was the one who talked him into playing. Uncle Benny was the one who talked his parents into letting him play. Uncle Benny was the one who took him to his first game. From the first practice, he was hooked. He liked catching impossible passes. He liked the way his team had his back. He likes everything about football. One practice, he jumped up to catch an impossible pass. He miscalculated. He fell like a ton of bricks. He slammed his head on the ground.

           His coach rushed him to the hospital. After a battery of tests, they diagnosed it as a concussion. He wasn’t to play football for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, his Mom took him to a doctor to clear him to play. This doctor told Lucas that his next concussion could permanently damage his brain. Lucas had to quit football.

           The next day, Lucas decides to skip school to see Uncle Benny at the fire station. He has to talk to him about quitting football. As they stand on the street talking, an airplane flies overhead. As they watch, it flies straight into the Twin Towers. Uncle Benny immediately runs back into the station to get his fire gear. He gears up. Then jumps on the departing fire truck.

           Lucas is left at the station. He knows his Dad, also a firefighter will be heading into the action. What should he do? Will those he loves, survive?

I Survived the Destruction of Pompeii, AD 79

           Marcus and his Father, Tata, are slaves in the city of Pompeii. They were owned by a scholar who studied the environment, flora and fauna. The kind man died of the fever. His nephew inherited all his property. He sold Tata. Now Marcus must run errands and other dirty jobs.

           On his way to take his master’s laundry to the washers, he recognizes his father in a line of gladiators. The gladiators are on their way to games. The games are scheduled for that night. Marcus knows he has to save his Father from the games. He manages to save him. Together they race up Mount Vesuvius.

           As they climb the mountain, they start noticing strange things. There are no insects. There are no wild animals. The water tastes awful. They smell sulfur. A whole flock of sheep are dead. There are random explosions. Tata starts putting everything thing together. He realizes the mountain is about to blow up! Together, Tata and Marcus must warn the whole city. Will people listen? Will they escape?

           I was very uncomfortable with all the use of Greek Mythology in this book. The author uses it for context. It’s all correct and used in the right context. I’m uncomfortable with how similar Greek Mythology is to the Truth. It sounds so similar. This could be confusing at this age. I didn’t “pass” this book for our library for that reason.

I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863

           It’s the middle of the Civil War. Thomas and Birdie's lives aren’t affected by the war. They grew up as slaves on a farm in Virginia. That all changed the day, Thomas’ owner decided to sell him. Birdie had heard that Thomas was going to be sold, so she came to warm Thomas.

          Together, they melt into the forest. They walk and walk. One night, they hear Confederate soldiers in forest. The soldiers are hunting a Union soldier. They find him in a tree. Thomas and a skunk save the Union Corporal from the Confederate soldiers. The Union soldiers take Thomas and Birdie to their camp where they are safe from slave catchers.

          Soon the all the soldiers in camp are called to small town in Pennsylvania called Gettysburg. They break camp and start marching to Gettysburg. The Northern army badly needs a win. The soldiers know that they are heading into an impossible battle. Can they strive manfully? Will Thomas and Birdie be safe? Can they move on past slavery, past the war and live a new life?

I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941

           Danny and his mother have just moved to Hawaii. Danny’s mother wanted to give Danny a chance at a new life. In New York City, he and his best friend, Finn, began to run with dangerous gangs. Then the tragic accident. Finn was climbing up the fire escape. Without notice, the fire escape tore out of the building and Finn plummeted to the sidewalk. In Hawaii, they could put that behind them and start afresh.

           Danny doesn’t want to put it all behind him. He needs to be with his recovering friend. He plans to stowaway on a ship headed back to the mainland. As he heads out the door, a shriek splits the air followed by a strange grunting sound. Danny dashes over to see what the commotion is all about. He finds a little boy, Aki, playing with a little wild boar. He rescues Aki and returns him to his mother.

           Danny again attempts to leave his house to go to the harbor. Aki comes running out to tells him about the strange planes in the sky. Soon the sky is coming alive with strange planes. Some bombing ships. Some strafing the army bases. Danny knows he must find his mother who works at the army base. He runs toward the attacks. He looks up. A plane is heading his way and he’s caught up in a huge explosion of sand.

           Luckily, he’s not hurt and continues heading toward the base. He finds one of his mother’s friends, Mack. Together they head for the base. They arrive in time for the second wave of attacks. Mack throws him in a ditch and dives in after him. During the attack, Mack is wounded. He’s losing so much blood. Can Danny take him to the hospital and find his Mother?

I Survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906

           Papers for sale! Buy your papers here! Leo is an orphan who lived in the busy city of San Francisco. Yes, you guessed it. He sells newspapers. He also has a wonderful treasure in his pocket. A Gold Nugget! His grandfather had found it in a creek bed, and it had been passed on to him. It is very valuable. As much as Leo might need money, he would never sell that nugget. It reminds him to be brave like his Grandfather. The nugget is his prized possession until the street bullies found out about it. They take it from Leo. Now he has nothing.

           He has to come up with a way to get that gold nugget back. His friend Morris suggests that he trick the street bullies. Leo comes up with a grand plan. He will go to their house, dress up like the Corey Drew ghost and scare them into giving his gold back. As his plan starts going south, the house starts to shake. It shakes. And shakes. It shakes hard. It shakes long.

           The house starts to tilt. The bricks start falling down. Leo doesn’t know what to do. He can’t get to the door. Suddenly Morris pulls him and together they stumble out of the house. Not only are houses crumbling, but the earthquake has broken gas pipes. The city is filled with terrible fires. Together, can they escape from the city before it burns?

I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912

           George and Phoebe are sailing home from a two-month vacation in England. Their Aunt Daisy is traveling with them and they are sailing on the Titanic! Aunt Daisy’s husband’s dream was to sail on the maiden voyage of the Titanic. He was killed in an accident a year before the Titanic sailed. Aunt Daisy wanted to go on this trip to honor his memory.

           George must always be active. He sails down the shiny balustrades in the first-class lobby. Unfortunately, he plows right into a handsome lady…. He climbs to the top of the crow’s nest. He pokes his nose into every corner of the ship. He makes many friends, but he frustrates his dear Aunt Daisy.

           One night at supper, a man mentions that an Egyptian mummy is being stored in the First Class Storage Area. George knows he has to see this mummy. When everyone is asleep, he creeps from his bed and starts on his adventure. He makes it to the storage room. He finds the box. Slowly, slowly, he starts prying open the lid. The hair on his arms starts to prickle and he feels like he is being watched. A man jumps out as quick as a wink and relieves George of his knife.

           Then the ship jolts. A thundering noise sounds through the night. The ship shakes.  George rushes back to his deck. Men are standing around talking. He notices that the deck below him has lots of ice on it. Some kids are having snowball battles with it. The men say that the ship “had nudged an iceberg.” No one is worried. The Titanic is invincible. George sneaks back to bed.

           Then there is a knock on the door. The boat has nudged an iceberg. The Captain is simply taking every precaution. Could all the people put on their life jackets and report to the top deck. Aunt Daisy and George get out of bed to comply. They go to wake Phoebe. Her bed is empty. There is no Phoebe. She had heard George go out and had followed him. Now, Aunt Daisy and George must find Phoebe. They follow her trail and find Phoebe. They also find that water is filling the unsinkable Titanic. Can George help his family and friends to safety?

I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967.

                Melody loves to go camping! For many years, Melody’s mother and family friend, Cassie, and their Grandfather have gone camping in Glacier National Park. This year is a little different, this is the first that they are going camping with their Mom, who just died in a car accident. Camping at Glacier National Park is really sad without their Mom, but soon they hear the terrible news. Bears are attacking campers and hikers in Park. Can they save the bears and the people in Glacier National Park from making some really bad choices?

I Survived the American Revolution, 1776

                Nathaniel just lost his father to a shipping accident, so he must go live with his horrible uncle, Storch. Storch is strict and doesn’t particularly like Nate, but his slave, Eliza, and her son are kind to Nate. One day, Nate needs to take the blame for something that happened, and Storch becomes very angry. Nate decides to run away. He joins the Revolutionary Army with his older friend. They become embroiled in the Battle of Brooklyn. Can Nate survive the war?

I Survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871

                Oscar is a new resident in Chicago. He and his Mama just moved to Chicago because she is going to be married to a painter from Chicago. On the day they arrive, a group of ruffians steals their baggage. His prized possession, his late father’s sheriff badge, is in his suitcase. Oscar determines to find his suitcase and get it back even if it takes him straight into the heart of the raging fire. Now, this is no ordinary fire; this is a huge fire that nearly encompasses the city. Can Oscar survive and find his suitcase?

I Survived the Eruption of Mount St. Helens, 1980

                Jessie and her friends, Eddie and Sam decide to hike the forest around Mount St. Helens. They want to debunk the local myth that a freaky ghost known as Skeleton Woman hangs out in these forests. Suddenly, an earthquake shakes the forest, and Jessie drops her Father’s camera. Since her Dad died, this has been her cherished possession. A few days later, Jessie, Eddie and Sam find a way to sneak back into the woods to find the camera, but a tragic event happens. Can they survive the eruption of Mount St. Helens?

I Survived the Children’s Blizzard, 1888

                Snow and snow storms are common during the freezing Dakota winters. John is pretty used to being cold and having piles of snow in his yard. This day is different. It starts off nice a warm! That means they can go to school today. John and his sister Fanny head to school. They even enjoy a little extra recess to enjoy the warm weather. At recess, the boys notice a cloud in the sky. Suddenly, a snow storm descends. A few men from town burst and offer to take the children to a safe location. John and a few of his friends ride with Mr. Lowry. On their way to safety, the team has an accident and Mr. Lowry gets thrown out of the sleigh. Can the boys find safety in the blizzard?

I Survived the Joplin Tornado

                Dex and his Dad always watch the TV Show The Tornado Mysteries which is hosted by his Dad’s old friend, Dr. Norman Gage. The show is all about tornado and storm chasing. Dex’s brother Jeremy used to watch the show too, but now he’s a Navy SEAL serving in a war zone. Dr. Gage is following a storm cell in Dex’s area and invites him to go storm chasing with him. This offer thrills Dex, and he’s excited to see a tornado first hand. When the tornado turns into a nasty, rain-covered tornado, can Dex and Dr. Gage survive?


The Adventures of the South Pole Pig

The Adventures of the South Pole Pig

Cell 58

Cell 58