

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

The Pushcart Wars

The Pushcart Wars

The Pushcart War.jpg

Title: The Pushcart War

Author: Jean Merrill

Pages: 223

Grade Level: 7&8th+

Lexile Level: 1050L

Terrible, mammoth trucks have taken over the streets New York City.  Pedestrians, drivers, pushcart peddlers are standing up for their street rights.  The trucks will recklessly endanger the lives of anyone on the streets. But the trucks have a special vendetta against pushcarts. Truck drivers look for any opportunity to plow over pushcarts. They even injure the pushcart drivers.  

The pushcart owners of New York City know they must stop the truck takeover! All the owners report to Maxie Hammerman.  They must strike back and save the city.  Can they save the city from the corruption of the trucks and the truck owners?

This book is hilarious. It’s a wonderful example of satire and innovation. It’s been recommended to me by a horde of people. I haven’t met a person or child who doesn’t like this book. Having said that, it does encourage fighting back and fighting for your rights. Most of the time, these methods of fighting are not nonresistant in thought or action.

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Listening for Lions

Listening for Lions

The Adventures of the South Pole Pig

The Adventures of the South Pole Pig