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Listening for Lions

Listening for Lions

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Title: Listening for Lions

Author: Gloria Whelan

Pages: 194

Grade Level: 5&6th

Lexile Level: 900L


Rachel Sheridan grew up in Africa. She grew up hearing the roars of the lions, running with the dassies and watching the weaverbirds. Rachel's parents came to share the gospel with the Kikuyu and the Masai people. Her father was a doctor. Her mother was a teacher. Together, they served the people of Kenya.

Then a horrible disease swept through Africa. It was 1919. The vicious disease, influenza, was sweeping through Africa and the entire world. Millions of people died from this disease. It wasn’t the millions of people who died that affected Rachel’s life. It was her parents. Both of them contracted the disease and died. 

Rachel's nearest neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard. They owned a massive plantation and were quite devious and self-serving. They had a daughter, Valerie. Valerie had red hair like Rachel. Sadly, Valerie died in the influenza epidemic. Since Rachel looked like their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard decided to replace Valerie with Rachel. They were running short on money and their only hope was to send “Valerie” back to her rich Grandfather.

So Rachel went live with “her” Grandfather in England. She was under strict instructions from the Pritchards to act as if she was Valerie. She was to answer to her name and conduct herself as if she were Valerie. In England, she realized three things. First, it’s very difficult to act like you are someone whom you’ve never met. Secondly, the Pritchards weren’t exactly nice people. In fact, they were greedy and unkind. Thirdly, “her” Grandfather was actually a kind and caring man. Can she survive this crazy scheme in this strange house?

Gloria Whelan, the author, is a wonderful storyteller. I found her books by chance one day when I was researching books. I bought one out curiosity. I read it and realized that she is a fabulous author! I shared the book with one of my friends. She enjoyed it immensely! Together, we introduced Gloria Whelan’s book to some girls at school. Soon the girls were recommending the books to each other. They still beg for more Gloria Whelan books! For those reasons, I’d say that I highly recommend this book!

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