All tagged Gloria Whelan


This book takes you around the world to Mali, Africa. Yatandou is an eight-year-old girl who lives in a small village in the heart of Mali. Every day, they pound their millet with their pounding stick. It is hard work and takes most of the day. The women of the village are saving all their extra money to buy a machine that grinds millet.

Yuki and the One Thousand Carriers

Yuki’s father governor in ancient Japan. Every Governor must travel between Edo and Kyoto, about 300 miles, twice a year. It is time for Yuki and her family to travel to Kyoto. This story tells of their journey and highlights the haikus that Yuki writes every day.

Parade of Shadows

Julia is a sheltered young lady. She grew up in a dull house full of dull things run by dull servants. Her father works for England’s foreign affairs, so he’s rarely home. Her mother died when Julia was small. Really, Julia’s existence has been quite dull. She longs for excitement and adventure. She wants to travel with her father on his exciting foreign trips.


            Born in years of one room schools and progressing America, Hannah loves to learn. But she is blind. Most people do not think that she can learn. They think that she will never amount to much.

Chu Ju's House

The law says only two children per family. Tradition states that every family must have a boy. Chu-Ju is a girl. Her newborn sister, Hua, is also a girl. Chu-Ju cares for her sister until one day when an evil woman comes to their house

Listening for Lions

Hearing the roars of the lions at night, running with the dassies, watching the weaverbirds, Rachel Sheridan grew up in Africa. Her parents had been sent from England to share the gospel with the Kikuyu and the Masai people