All tagged Africa

No Turning Back

"I have decided to follow turning back." So spoke an Indian martyr in the 1800s. The words have since become a well-known song and the title to Pablo Yoder's newest book. Pablo and his wife spent time in Nigerian interviewing people who have faced persecution under Boko Haram.


This book takes you around the world to Mali, Africa. Yatandou is an eight-year-old girl who lives in a small village in the heart of Mali. Every day, they pound their millet with their pounding stick. It is hard work and takes most of the day. The women of the village are saving all their extra money to buy a machine that grinds millet.

Life has a Face

The lady who the books is about is an absolute inspiration! She is courageous, joyful and amazing. She is involved with a unique ministry who serve underprivileged people.  So while, I did not enjoy the book; she still is an amazing woman.

Riley Unlikely

               This is a story of how one teen consciously choose to make a difference. The story opens with 13 year old Riley and her Dad traveling to Africa for the first time to visit her Aunt and Uncle. She has documents well her first impressions and some of the culture shocks that she found while visiting. She shares too how love for the country of Kenya just took root and took over her heart.

The No. 1 Car Spotter Series

I remember distinctly the first book that I read from this author. The book was in the Anna Hibiscus Series, which please read if you have not! I had just come back from a trip to Liberia, Africa. Reading this series definitely takes you back to Africa which out the pricey plan ticket! This book achieves Must-Read status just for its storytelling and cultural education.

Dream Freedom - by Sonia Levitin

In the book "Dream Freedom," Sonia Levitin artfully portrays the struggle of slavery in Sudan. The story reads like poetry, evoking deep emotion as the reader is drawn into the pain of humans ripped away from their families and forced into slavery as animals.

Daring to Hope - by Katie Davis Majors

he subtitle of "Daring to Hope" says..."Finding God's Goodness in the Broken and the Beautiful." Throughout this book, Katie Davis Majors seeks to do exactly that. When Katie first wrote "Kisses from Katie," she was young, inexperienced, and trying to wrap her mind around what God was doing in her life

God in the ICU

As an ICU doctor, Dave Walker often found himself in the midst of intense situations. Through difficult experiences, he turned his back on God. Then, through the faithful work of God, he came back to faith and began to pray with his patients.

Listening for Lions

Hearing the roars of the lions at night, running with the dassies, watching the weaverbirds, Rachel Sheridan grew up in Africa. Her parents had been sent from England to share the gospel with the Kikuyu and the Masai people