

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Riley Unlikely

Riley Unlikely


Title: Riley Unlikely

Author: Riley Banks-Snyder with Lisa Velthouse

Pages: 173

Grade Level: 8+

               This is a story of how one teen consciously choose to make a difference. The story opens with 13 year old Riley and her Dad traveling to Africa for the first time to visit her Aunt and Uncle. She has documents well her first impressions and some of the culture shocks that she found while visiting. She shares too how love for the country of Kenya just took root and took over her heart.

               When she returned home, she want to somehow make a difference in the lives of the children in Kenya. She came up with several fascinating ideas such as collecting school supplies to send over to the schools in Kenya. They also teamed up with a girl’s school in Kenya and provide hygiene kits for the girls. She also went on to found a non-profit organization call Generation Next. Generation Next has founded a school and continues to provide children with school supplies and girls with hygiene kits. Generation Next would also like to be more involved in children’s ministry.

               Riley Unlikely is a story of one teen girl’s passion for children of Kenya. The story is well articulated and conveys the feeling and desires that Riley had and still has. Riley is courageous, kind and selfless. Her true care and concern for those less fortunate is a challenge for me, for you and for anyone who reads this book. She sets an example that should inspire and encourage us.  This book is a great book for teen girls, but be aware that the later part of the book is very upfront and honest about her medical condition, MRKH syndrome. This means that she was born without uterus. It’s written in a very matter of fact way, but I would be aware of the content.

Making Things Move

Making Things Move

