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The No. 1 Car Spotter Series

The No. 1 Car Spotter Series


Title: The No. 1 Car Spotter

Author: Atinuke

Grade Level: 3&4th


               I remember distinctly the first book that I read from this author. The book was in the Anna Hibiscus Series, which please read if you have not! I had just come back from a trip to Liberia, Africa. Reading this series definitely takes you back to Africa which out the pricey plan ticket! This book achieves Must-Read status just for its storytelling and cultural education.

The No. 1 Car Spotter

               This is the story of an eleven-year-old boy who lives in a village in Africa. His village is special because a fine, fine road goes right past it. Growing up, No. 1’s grandfather teaches him how to tell the difference between different cars by the sounds of their engine. Everytime, No. 1 hears an engine, he yells what kind of car it is before it comes into view. This makes him the No. 1 Car Spotter. Read about life in his village, shopping for his embarrassing Auntie in the village market and more.

The No. 1 Car Spotter and the Car Thieves:

               Many fancy cars are disappearing throughout the city and several have even disappear while parked in No. 1’s village. This means that less and less people stop at Mama Coco-Cola’s shop. This is no good. No. 1 must find a way to stop the thieves, so the people will come back to the village.

The No. 1 Car Spotter Fights the Factory:

               No. 1 is happy! His father is coming home from the big city where he was working. Soon a factory will be built very near their village. Now, his father can work and stay at home! No. 1 and his friends in the village are so happy until strange things start happening. The water in the river looks strange. One day, all the fish in the river suddenly died. No. 1 soon realizes that the big, big factory poisons the water and environment around it, but can he stop it?

The No. 1 Car Spotter and the Firebird:

               One of No. 1’s favorite car is the Pontiac Firebird! There is only one red Pontiac Firebird in the whole country. It belongs to a Professor who has family in a village close to No. 1’s, so No. 1 often sees the Firebird. It is a fine, fine car. One day, when the road is flooded, No. 1 helps people cross the flooded road using the Cow-rolla. Will this be the time that he gets to ride in the Firebird?

The No. 1 Car Spotter Goes to School:

               Never in all his eleven years has No. 1 gone to school! The whole village is excited about this amazing opportunity. At first No. 1 is excited to go school, but soon school makes him very tired. The teacher doesn’t like when he lays his head down on the makeshift desks. She thinks he is lazy. Can No. 1 learn to like school and prove he isn’t lazy.

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