

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

The Anna Hibiscus Series

The Anna Hibiscus Series


Anna Hibiscus Series

Author: Atinuke

Illustrator: Lauren Tobia

Grade Level: 3&4th

               I cannot recommend these books enough! I ran across this series after a trip to Africa and seriously, these books are the real deal right down to the way they talk! The author, Atinuke, is a talented storyteller from Nigeria. She will have you deep into Anna Hibiscus’s world in no time! Just a quick note, these books were originally published in England, so a few of them are only available from England. I’d recommend ordering these from Amazon and then it’s not a problem.

Anna Hibiscus #1

Anna Hibiscus lives in Africa with her Mom, who is from Canada, and her Dad, who is from Africa, her baby twin brothers, Double and Trouble and her very big extended family. Anna Hibiscus’s Mom and Dad decided that their little family is going take a vacation. It’s just going to be Anna Hibiscus, her Mom and Dad and Double and Trouble. Together they go to the beach, but the first day doesn’t work out very well for them. Double and Trouble have so much energy and get into so much trouble. Finally, they invite all the rest of the family to join them. Together they can have a great vacation! Being at the ocean reminds them of their Auntie Comfort who lives across the ocean. They persuade Auntie Comfort to come for a visit, but will she still be a true African woman?

Hooray for Anna Hibiscus! #2

               Anna Hibiscus loves to sing! Everywhere she goes she sings. When she works, she sings. When she’s watching Double and Trouble, they beg her to sing. Anna Hibiscus loves singing and everyone loves when Anna Hibiscus sings. At school, Anna Hibiscus loves to sing too. Their school was chosen to have a welcoming ceremony for a visiting President. The teacher selects Anna Hibiscus to sing? Anna Hibiscus is excited? Will she remember her song?

               Anna Hibiscus always begs to go to the other side of the city. Each time, her family tells her that the other side of the city is dirty and not the right place for her. Finaly, they allow Anna Hibiscus to go with her Auntie and Uncle to the other side of the city. Anna Hibiscus is not prepared for the poverty that she will see. The children are eating for the rubbish heap and they don’t have any clothes. Anna Hibiscus decides to give away her clothes. So she does! At first her family is horrified, but then they realize how generous Anna Hibiscus truly was.

Good Luck, Anna Hibiscus! #3

           Anna Hibiscus is finally taking her trip to visit her Grandmother in Canada! She is so so excited because she cannot wait to see snow! The whole family helps her find enough warm clothes and a suitcase for the trip. It is hard, hard to find warm clothes in Africa. Finally, Anna Hibiscus is ready to go to Canada. But will her family survive without her? Who will look after Double and Trouble?

Have Fun, Anna Hibiscus! #4

     In this story, Anna Hibiscus goes to Canada to visit her Grandmother, but everything in Canada is so different and new to Anna Hibiscus. Here in Canada, you can play with dogs because they do not have worms or parasites. Canada is so cold and colorless, but Anna Hibiscus learns to enjoy snow, sledding and skating. Travel with Anna Hibiscus to Canada and look at first world countries in a new light. 

Welcome Home, Anna Hibiscus! #5 

Anna Hibiscus is happy to be home from Canada! She enjoyed her visit very much, but it is so so good to be back in Africa and the big white house. All her cousins and aunts and uncles are happy to have her back. Many things have happened while she was away. Most importantly, the chicken’s eggs have hatched and now there are chicks! Anna Hibiscus has a favorite chick, Snow White, that goes with her everywhere. One day she decides to smuggle Snow White to school. Will Snow White stay quiet? Will she stay in Anna Hibiscus’ desk? 

Go Well, Anna Hibiscus #6 

Anna Hibiscus travels on the bus to the village where her Grandfather lived when he was younger. Anna Hibiscus learns to carry things on her head and be aware of different jungle animals. The children of the village aren’t quite sure about Anna Hibiscus and she’s a little scared of them. Then she learns that they don’t know to read. Can Anna Hibiscus teach the children the alphabet and find friends? 

You’re Amazing, Anna Hibiscus! #7

Double and Trouble, Anna Hibiscus’s twin younger brother, are growing up. They still get into everything and keep everyone busy getting them out of trouble and keeping them safe. Can Double and Trouble learn to grow up and make better choices? 

Love from Anna Hibiscus! #8  

    Sadly, this is the final book of the Anna Hibiscus series. In this book, follow Anna Hibiscus as she takes you to the market. Meet her new friends and hear her funny stories while she’s at the market. While she was at the market, someone stole a banana from her basket. Can she recover the banana and help the thief? 

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