All tagged England

The Cost: My Life on a Terrorist Hit List

How do I describe the most gripping, honest conversion story I have ever read? A Muslim teenager experiences a vision. He makes a choice to follow Jesus. But how do you follow Jesus with no Bible, no teaching, no church, no Christian contacts, and nowhere safe to live? Is it really worth it?

Friend Penn

Since I live in Pennsylvania, I found this book fascinating as well as a good resource for teaching my students Pennsylvania’s history. This book highlights the life of William Penn. William Penn’s father was a rich successful man in England.

Parade of Shadows

Julia is a sheltered young lady. She grew up in a dull house full of dull things run by dull servants. Her father works for England’s foreign affairs, so he’s rarely home. Her mother died when Julia was small. Really, Julia’s existence has been quite dull. She longs for excitement and adventure. She wants to travel with her father on his exciting foreign trips.

The True Confession of Charlotte Doyle

               This is an odd tale. Or as the heroine says unusual! This is the story of Charlotte Doyle. Charlotte was going to school in England. Her family moved back to America during the school year, so Charlotte was left in England to finish her school year. She was to sail home on the ill fate Seahawk.

Early Thunder

Sometimes it can be hard to imagine what life was like "back then." Sometimes, with the help of a talented author, the imagining can be quite simple. "Early Thunder" makes it simple.

Listening for Lions

Hearing the roars of the lions at night, running with the dassies, watching the weaverbirds, Rachel Sheridan grew up in Africa. Her parents had been sent from England to share the gospel with the Kikuyu and the Masai people