

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Daring to Hope - by Katie Davis Majors

Daring to Hope - by Katie Davis Majors

Photo Credit: Penguin Random House

Photo Credit: Penguin Random House

Title: Daring to Hope

Author: Katie Davis Majors

Grade Level: 7&8th

The subtitle of "Daring to Hope" says..."Finding God's Goodness in the Broken and the Beautiful." Throughout this book, Katie Davis Majors seeks to do exactly that. When Katie first wrote "Kisses from Katie," she was young, inexperienced, and trying to wrap her mind around what God was doing in her life. Now, Katie is older, more experienced, and beginning to see the bigger picture of God's work. "Daring to Hope" is more than just a story. It is a sermon preached through shoe leather (or sandals) and words. The lessons Katie is learning through her unusual life as a mom of many adopted girls and one biological son will resonate with every person who strives to follow Christ in their daily lives. You will be blessed and challenged as you read this book.

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