

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Love Notes to God - by Linda McGowen Panci

Love Notes to God - by Linda McGowen Panci

Photo Credits: YWAM Publishing

Photo Credits: YWAM Publishing

Title: Love Notes to God

Author: Linda McGowen Panci

Grade Level: 7&8th

"Love Notes to God" tells the story of a young woman who was called by God to write French worship songs. Despite being from a small country town in Iowa, Linda pressed on to learn French and compile a French songbook. She was also instrumental in evangelistic dramas and music programs. The story is very simply told and not particularly "exciting." It was challenging to read of her struggles and how God placed people around her to help her through. There is no reason why seventh graders shouldn't read this book, but I am not sure how often they will pick it up because of the writing style.

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Living on the Devil's Doorstep - by Floyd McClung

Living on the Devil's Doorstep - by Floyd McClung

Walking Miracle

Walking Miracle