All tagged story time

Kavik the Wolf Dog

Have you ever been gripped so tightly by a story that you could barely move or even breathe until it ended? If not, do yourself a favor and read "Kavik the Wolf Dog." Walt Morey powerfully crafted this story of a sled dog who wrestles with his wolf roots through a plane crash,

Talking Leaves

We presume that our children will attend school where they will be taught to read and write. We know that no one would get far in today's world without that knowledge. Our homes fill up with books and we spend hours reading.

What Money Can't Buy

The Great Depression devastated many families.Yet, at the same time, there were others who became rich over the hardships of their neighbors. "What Money Can't Buy" illustrates this clearly as it tells the story of the Hess family. Unlike many, the Hess's never went hungry.

It will be Okay

A little Seed and a little Fox become friends because they both do not like change and big scary things. Throughout this story they go through thick and thin side by side. Through each change they remember that “the Farmer was good,

Chu Ju's House

The law says only two children per family. Tradition states that every family must have a boy. Chu-Ju is a girl. Her newborn sister, Hua, is also a girl. Chu-Ju cares for her sister until one day when an evil woman comes to their house

Chicken Sunday

 Neighbors. We all have a few, for better or for worse! Relationships in neighborhoods can be complicated. In this neighborhood, it doesn’t matter if you are black or white, Jew or Gentile, Russian or Ukranian

Shoeshine Girl

Sarah Ida was being exiled to her Aunt Claudia’s house for the summer. She had been making some bad choice. She was hanging out with bad friends, so her parents decided she needed a change of scenery.

Listening for Lions

Hearing the roars of the lions at night, running with the dassies, watching the weaverbirds, Rachel Sheridan grew up in Africa. Her parents had been sent from England to share the gospel with the Kikuyu and the Masai people

The Pushcart Wars

Terrible, mammoth trucks have taken over the streets New York City.  Pedestrians, drivers, but most importantly pushcart peddlers are standing up for their street rights.  The trucks are recklessly endangering the lives of anyone on the streets,