

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Evelyn the Adventures Entomologist: The True Story of a World-Traveling Bug Hunter

Evelyn the Adventures Entomologist: The True Story of a World-Traveling Bug Hunter

Title: Evelyn the Adventures Entomologist: The True Story of a World-Traveling Bug Hunter

Author: Christine Evans

Illustrator: Yasmin Imamura

Picture Book

Born in the late 1800s, Evelyn Cheesman loved nature and animals. She enjoyed playing outdoors and dreamed of being a veterinarian. However, at the time no college would accept her into their veterinarian program and only offered an animal nursing program. So, she trained and worked as a canine nurse until World War I. During World War I, she joined the London Zoo to take charge of their insect house. This fueled her love for bugs, and she never stopped pursuing new bugs for the rest of her life. Follow her on her journey around the world to find interesting bugs.

Secret Engineer: How Emily Roebling Built the Brooklyn Bridge

Secret Engineer: How Emily Roebling Built the Brooklyn Bridge

The Vast Wonder of the World

The Vast Wonder of the World