All in 7&8th

A Hope More Powerful than the Sea

As I read this book, I cried. I cried because Doaa Al Zamel’s story is moving. I cried because her courage and strength inspired me. I also cried because of all the heartache, violence and destruction that is highlighted in this book. As I read this book, I’m grateful for my comfortable life and ashamed that I make mountains out of my molehill problems. Those are the emotions that a good biography is supposed to evoke, Right? Well, if that’s the point of a biography than this one is one of the best!

Addison Cooke and the Treasure of the Incas

This books will tug you in and keep you reading from the first page to the last page. Addison and Molly live with their Aunt Delia because their parents died in a tragic accident. One night, they go to visit their Uncle Nigel who works a museum in New York City. While Addison and Molly are down the hall grabbing supper, they see scary men kidnapping their Uncle Nigel.

The Secret School

Ida Bidson loves school and her biggest, most precious dream is to be a teacher. Since she lives in a small, outlying town in Colorado, the school only has one room and one teacher. Ida doesn’t mind until her teacher has to return to her home due to a sudden family illness.

Iron Thunder

"Iron Thunder" is one of the most informative historical fiction books I have read. It sticks so closely to the actual historical details that you learn more than any history textbook

Red Scarf Girl

This book is about a twelve-year-old girl, Ji-Li Jiang who lives in China. It’s 1966 and the Chairman of China, Mao Zedong declared a Cultural Revolution. This was an extreme political movement meant to push the Communist government agenda on all people who lived in China. It was a scary time to live through because just a wrong word from Ji-Li at school could mean that her whole family would be in trouble.

I Survived: The Battle of D-Day, 1944

This book follows a French boy named Paul who lives near Normandy beach. At the beginning of the war, Paul’s father went to serve in the army. During the next few years, Paul sees some pretty awful things, wonders why his Jewish friend disappeared, and endures the German occupation.

My Family Divided

This book follows the heart-breaking story of fourteen-year-old Diane Guerrero losing her parents to an ICE raid. ICE is the branch of the government that detains and deports undocumented people. Diane’s parents lived in the US for years, and Diane was born in the US.

Catherine's War

This is one spell-binding, informative graphic novel. It’s a historical fiction piece that the author loosely based on the story of her mother. It’s set in France during the Nazi invasion in World War II.


The story of Sacajawea has fascinated people for years. Sacajawea, a young Native American woman, accompanied Lewis and Clark on their exploration to the Pacific Ocean.

Making Things Move

            Okay, yes, my nerd side is showing through with this book recommendation. However, nerdy this book review may sound; please be assured I understood very little from this book. This book recommendation came from my very tech savvy brother who creates thing in CAD and reverse engineers things on a daily basis. I do know that this book will teach you how to do amazing things.

Riley Unlikely

               This is a story of how one teen consciously choose to make a difference. The story opens with 13 year old Riley and her Dad traveling to Africa for the first time to visit her Aunt and Uncle. She has documents well her first impressions and some of the culture shocks that she found while visiting. She shares too how love for the country of Kenya just took root and took over her heart.


               Walk through life with Victor Vollmer III. He’s a boy who hates commas. In his honor you won’t find any in this review either… He loves words. But he has a stutter. It’s hard for him to communicate all the words that he wants to communicate. One day his father brought home a typewriter. Now he has an outlet. He loves to type. Now he can communicate his thoughts this way. The book is written as his summer journal. 

Parade of Shadows

Julia is a sheltered young lady. She grew up in a dull house full of dull things run by dull servants. Her father works for England’s foreign affairs, so he’s rarely home. Her mother died when Julia was small. Really, Julia’s existence has been quite dull. She longs for excitement and adventure. She wants to travel with her father on his exciting foreign trips.

Saving Kabul Corner

               Change. None of us like it. All of us go through it at some time. There’s been a lot of change in Ariana’s life. Her perfect, amazing cousin Laila and her mom came from Afghanistan to live with her family. To her dismay, Ariana must share her tiny, crowded room with Laila. As school starts, she also learns that she’s gonna have to share her best friend, Mariam.

Prejudice and Pardon - by Laura Smucker

Lillie's great-grandparents were slaves. Her grandparents were sharecroppers. Her parents moved north to find jobs away from sharecropping. Lillie herself found work in a white world, enrolled her children in a white school, and saw her son as the first black valedictorian in that white school.

The True Confession of Charlotte Doyle

               This is an odd tale. Or as the heroine says unusual! This is the story of Charlotte Doyle. Charlotte was going to school in England. Her family moved back to America during the school year, so Charlotte was left in England to finish her school year. She was to sail home on the ill fate Seahawk.