

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Prejudice and Pardon - by Laura Smucker

Prejudice and Pardon - by Laura Smucker

Photo Credit: TGS International

Photo Credit: TGS International

Title: Prejudice and Pardon

Author: Laura Smucker

Grade Level: 7&8th

Lillie's great-grandparents were slaves. Her grandparents were sharecroppers. Her parents moved north to find jobs away from sharecropping. Lillie herself found work in a white world, enrolled her children in a white school, and saw her son as the first black valedictorian in that white school. This is Lillie's story. It is a story of United States history. It is a story of a life of struggle. It has hard and ugly things (like her husband's unfaithfulness). Yet, this is also a story of victory as Lillie learns surrender to God and faithfully follows His leading.

Danger on the Mountain! True Stories of Extreme Adventures

Danger on the Mountain! True Stories of Extreme Adventures

The True Confession of Charlotte Doyle

The True Confession of Charlotte Doyle