All in Picture Books

The Leaf Detective

Imagine hanging from a large rainforest tree in a makeshift harness made from seat-belt straps! Nobody has ever ventured into the rainforest canopy, so you have no idea what you will face. You don’t even know if the harness that you made yourself will hold!

John Bunyan

The life of John Bunyan, the famed preacher and author, is outlined in this book. John Bunyan’s early life is riddled with misbehavior, willfulness, bad language and drinking. At sixteen, he joins the Parliamentary army and narrowly escapes with his life.

Beatrix Potter, Scientist

What comes to your mind when you hear the name, Beatrix Potter? Lovely water-colored images of little animals? Mischievous Peter Rabbit? Squirrel Nutkin? While Beatrix Potter is best known for her beloved children’s classics about small animals, Ms. Potter was an accomplished botanist

Counting on Katherine

Katherine Johnson loved Math. She showed unusual talent in Math and Science even as a young girl, and continue to shine during school. However, Katherine lived in the segregated South where she was not allowed to attend the white High School.

What Should Danny Do?: School Day

What Should Danny Do? School Day helps children understand the consequences of their actions in school and how to make good choices during a school day. This is an excellent book for teaching students, especially first and second graders the complexities of emotions and choices.

A Place for Zero

We all know that I’m a huge fan of using stories to teach students concepts. Well, here’s a great option for teaching Math with stories. Poor Zero can’t participate in the games that the other numbers play because he has no value.

Esther's Good Day

Yay! It’s Esther’s day to go with her Dad to Market! They load up their vegetables and jump onto their horse and wagon. But on the way to market, Esther notices huge thunderhead clouds heading straight for them. They get to market just in time to set up their stand.

I Am Enough

This book strives to be diverse and inclusive, both in the language and the illustrations. The book talks about different concrete objects, like a tree, and states different motivation statements such as “I’m here to grow.”

The Extra Mile

This book is full of short stories that aim to teach children about good values. Join Eric as he learns to take his “caught” gracefully at recess, or Anson as he learns to do his work correctly,