

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Esther's Good Day

Esther's Good Day

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Title: Esther’s Good Day

Author: Dorcas R. Mast

Illustrator: Richard Martin

Yay! It’s Esther’s day to go with her Dad to Market! They load up their vegetables and jump onto their horse and wagon. But on the way to market, Esther notices huge thunderhead clouds heading straight for them. They get to market just in time to set up their stand. They hurry to bring everything to the stand from the wagon. The horses stamp impatiently. They don’t like the thunder and lightning. Suddenly a especially loud clap of thunder spooks the horses and they bolt. Will everyone be safe? How can Esther learn to thankful even during bad circumstances?

I wish this book’s illustrations would all be in color! The illustrator is very talented, but children would enjoy more color.

A Place for Zero

A Place for Zero

I Can't Do That, YET

I Can't Do That, YET