

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

The Biggest Valentine Ever!

The Biggest Valentine Ever!


Title: The Biggest Valentine Ever

Author: Steven Kroll

Illustrator: Jeni Bassett

Two mice friends decide to make a surprise valentine for their teacher, Mrs. Mousely. As they work, they start fighting and accusing each other of making the valentine ugly. In the middle of the fight, they accidentally tear the valentine. At home that night, both boys realize what a gigantic mistake they made. It is so much better if they work together because they each have different talents that mesh together. The next day, they start on a awesome new valentine, but this time they are working together! Mrs. Mousely and the whole class love the new valentine!

I'm Trying to Love Math

I'm Trying to Love Math

The Storm That Stopped

The Storm That Stopped