

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Henry Says Good-bye

Henry Says Good-bye


Title: Henry Says Good-bye

Author: Edward T. Welch

Illustrator: Joe Hox

Henry loves his pet ladybug, Lila. She can do all kinds of acrobats in the air. She loves to go with him to school and they play together at recess along with the other children and their pets. One day, Lila’s spots started to fade, and she was quiet and lethargic. Henry’s Mom watch her while he was at school, but she died. Henry waffles between anger and sadness. Then his Dad helps him understand that those feelings are okay. They plan a memorial for Lila, and together with his parents and his friends Henry learns that sadness and grief are okay. This is a helpful book for all children, but especially children dealing with the grief of losing a pet or a person in their life.

Zoe's Hiding Place

Zoe's Hiding Place

Iron Thunder

Iron Thunder