

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

I Am Enough

I Am Enough

I Am.png

Title: I Am Enough

Author: Grace Byers

Illustrator: Keturah A. Bobo

Picture Book

This book strives to be diverse and inclusive, both in the language and the illustrations. The book talks about different concrete objects, like a tree, and states different motivation statements such as “I’m here to grow.” This book continues through different things encouraging growth, grit and a diverse mindset. The true stars of this book is the pictures! They are so darling. They feature a diverse selection of little girls and visually showcase what the words mean.

Quick explanation: You may noticed that I highlighted unsupported Christian theories in the evaluation sheet. This book uses the phrase “I am Enough” and I’m not a huge fan of that phrase because I think it minimizes the power of Jesus in our lives.

I Am Enough.png
Girl in the Hay

Girl in the Hay

Countdown: A Time of Testing

Countdown: A Time of Testing