A Time for Change

Amari Johnson and her family live in Boston, Massachusetts until their world turns upside and Amari’s Dad gets a new job in Raleigh, North Carolina. Amari leaves her friends and school. Now, she lives in the South where racism has become more prevalent.

A Place for Zero

We all know that I’m a huge fan of using stories to teach students concepts. Well, here’s a great option for teaching Math with stories. Poor Zero can’t participate in the games that the other numbers play because he has no value.

Esther's Good Day

Yay! It’s Esther’s day to go with her Dad to Market! They load up their vegetables and jump onto their horse and wagon. But on the way to market, Esther notices huge thunderhead clouds heading straight for them. They get to market just in time to set up their stand.

Girl in the Hay

Sam and Julia live in Maryland. Their family recently immigrated from Ireland in seek of a better life. Now, they work on a plantation which previously owned slaves. The owners of the plantation were scared of reprisal, so they freed their slaves.

I Am Enough

This book strives to be diverse and inclusive, both in the language and the illustrations. The book talks about different concrete objects, like a tree, and states different motivation statements such as “I’m here to grow.”

Countdown: A Time of Testing

"Countdown: A Time of Testing" is the first in a series titled "Century in Crisis." It addresses the challenges faced by the Early Church in and around AD 284, during the time of Diocletian. The book contains much history, some of which are familiar and some of which are less well known.

No Turning Back

"I have decided to follow Jesus...no turning back." So spoke an Indian martyr in the 1800s. The words have since become a well-known song and the title to Pablo Yoder's newest book. Pablo and his wife spent time in Nigerian interviewing people who have faced persecution under Boko Haram.

Until Her Flight Was Called

"Until Her Flight Was Called" tells the story of the life and work of Michelle Kropf. Michelle was raised in a Catholic home but eventually became friends with conservative Mennonite people and joined their church. During her life, she experienced the blessing of God while in nursing school and Paraguay.

From the White House to the Amish

What do a White House calligrapher, CIA employee, and Amish man have in common? In the case of Thomas E. Kirkman, a lot! Thomas grew up in a loving family who experienced their share of tough times, even living in a chicken house at one point. Throughout his life, his mother pled with him to focus on God.

My Other Name is Mom

"My Other Name Is Mom" presents a straightforward, Scriptural view of motherhood. Mary addresses topics such as "Feminism", "Children Are Blessings", "Supermom Myth", "Mommy Guilt", "Modeling Christ", and "Happy Homemaking".

Peace Like a River

They say that "hindsight is better than foresight." In hindsight, I'm sure Curtis Martin's family wished the guys hadn't gone canoeing. In hindsight, probably Kevin wishes they had never broken camp that fateful morning.

Angels at the Till

"Angels at the Till" presents stories of God's work in Kenya, Ireland, the USA, and Romania. This book...these stories...have so much potential. Naively swimming with deadly snakes.


Who would you adopt? The perfect little girl with an angelic smile, beautiful curls, and a dream that could change the world? Or would you adopt the little girl with an angelic smile, beautiful curls, and an extra chromosome that means she will need your care all of her earthly life?

The Cost: My Life on a Terrorist Hit List

How do I describe the most gripping, honest conversion story I have ever read? A Muslim teenager experiences a vision. He makes a choice to follow Jesus. But how do you follow Jesus with no Bible, no teaching, no church, no Christian contacts, and nowhere safe to live? Is it really worth it?

The One and Only Ivan

Have you ever read a book written by a gorilla? Well actually, the story is written by a real live person, but written from the perspective of a gorilla. Meet Ivan. He lives at a run-down mall along with his friends, Bob and Stella.

The Extra Mile

This book is full of short stories that aim to teach children about good values. Join Eric as he learns to take his “caught” gracefully at recess, or Anson as he learns to do his work correctly,

A Cry from Egypt

Travel back in time to a time when the people of Israel were slaves in Egypt. Jarah and her family live in Egypt and serve wealthy Egyptian families. Jarah works so hard and still, the work is not enough to satisfy the overseers. Jarah’s mother struggles with distrust in the One True God.