

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Peace Like a River

Peace Like a River

Peace like a River.jpg

Title: Peace Like a River

Author: Darlene Zimmerman

Grade Level: 7&8th

They say that "hindsight is better than foresight." In hindsight, I'm sure Curtis Martin's family wished the guys hadn't gone canoeing. In hindsight, probably Kevin wishes they had never broken camp that fateful morning. Yet at the same time, all involved knew Curtis' life with Christ and have experienced the peace that God can give during and after a tragedy. Several life lessons can be learned from this story about safety when canoeing but more importantly about faith, God's timing, and His work in the hearts of people.

My Other Name is Mom

My Other Name is Mom

Angels at the Till

Angels at the Till