All in 7&8th

Taking the High Places - by Terry Snow

Haiti is a country who once made a pact with Satan. As a result, demon possession is real and spiritual warfare is intense. Throughout the book "Taking the High Places" you will journey with Terry Snow, his family, and the YWAM Haiti team as they strive to capture a Haitian city for Christ.

Amina's Voice - by Hena Khan

While well written, "Amina's Voice" was disappointing. It appears that the author had several goals in writing this story: to promote Islam, to encourage the welcoming of Muslim people as neighbors, and to show what life is like in middle school.

Ornament of Grace - by Christine Diller

If experience is the best teacher, isn't it better to learn from the experiences of others rather than making all the painful mistakes yourself? The goal of "Ornament of Grace" is to present true experiences to young ladies to help them grow in their walk with Christ.

Kindred Hearts for God

Hope. Fear. Peace. Struggle. Forgiveness. Beauty. Purity. Marriage. Singleness. This book addresses all these and more. Compiled by Diane Yoder, it presents stories, essays, and poems from numerous women. These women desire to walk by other young women by means of their writing.

Daring to Hope - by Katie Davis Majors

he subtitle of "Daring to Hope" says..."Finding God's Goodness in the Broken and the Beautiful." Throughout this book, Katie Davis Majors seeks to do exactly that. When Katie first wrote "Kisses from Katie," she was young, inexperienced, and trying to wrap her mind around what God was doing in her life

God in the ICU

As an ICU doctor, Dave Walker often found himself in the midst of intense situations. Through difficult experiences, he turned his back on God. Then, through the faithful work of God, he came back to faith and began to pray with his patients.


"Bruchko" tells the gripping story of a teenager who found Christ and followed Him to South America. Sponsored by no mission organization, knowing no one in the area, and following seemingly random leads, Bruce Olson contacts one of the most dangerous people groups in Colombia.


The absolute power and beauty of God's story in this book defy description. "Joey" tells the story of a blind horse and so much more. You will be in awe of God's miraculous work in the lives of hurt horses and people.


"Mimosa" is written in prose form, but reads like free verse poetry. Amy Carmichael has done a beautiful job of presenting the story of a child

Zane and the Hurricane

Zane and the Hurricane is an epic tale. It’s honest and straightforward. It tells of the disgusting, nasty, terrifying effects of a catastrophic hurricane. It tells too of how three courageous people and a dog survive it all.

The Pushcart Wars

Terrible, mammoth trucks have taken over the streets New York City.  Pedestrians, drivers, but most importantly pushcart peddlers are standing up for their street rights.  The trucks are recklessly endangering the lives of anyone on the streets,