

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Born to Die

Born to Die

Title: Born to Die

Author: Angela Zehr 

Illustrator: Laura Yoder 

Grade Level: 7&8th 

    Born to Die is a book that was written about the Anabaptist movement in Switzerland in the 1520s. This book features eighteen-year old Annabelle Friesen. The Anabaptist faith is sweeping through her village, it’s affecting her close friends, her boyfriend and her own family. Annabelle is very opposed to the Anabaptist faith. All she sees is the heartache and divisions it brings among the people she loves. Annabelle herself is facing a faith dilemma, her family has converted, but her boyfriend will break up with her if she converts. Will Annabelle choose her boyfriend or her family and the peace that they found? 

    For the most part, this book is very well written. I’m so happy that people are writing books about the Early Anabaptist movement. I think it’s a subject that our students need to hear! However, this book does pose an odd juxtaposition as it’s simply written so that a 3&4th grader could read it, but the subject matter is definitely 7&8th grade or High School level. That said, the subject matter makes it a must read for all students. I would recommend this book and look forward to the next book.

Dan and God.png
Too Many Tamales

Too Many Tamales

A Bicycle for Kofi

A Bicycle for Kofi