

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Samuel's Choice

Samuel's Choice


Title: Samuel’s Choice 

Author: Anne Hilty 

Illustrator: Lana Kuhns 

Picture Book 

This story is a bit of a continuation from the book, Clouds of War. Samuel is older now, and the Revolutionary War is being fought. Samuel’s farm is close to Valley Forge. Soldiers often come to their farm and take fence rails, food and farm animals. Now Samuel’s family barely had enough food to eat for the winter. One day, wagon loads of sick and wounded soldiers are being taken to the Ephrata Cloister. Samuel’s parents welcome some of the wounded soldiers to their house. Samuel watches as they patiently care for the soldier while putting their nonresistant faith to practice. After the war is over, one of Samuel’s friend see a poster printed by the government offering to sell the Martyr’s Mirror books. Can Samuel and his friend return the books to the Ephrata Cloister?

Teddy's Tornado.png
Friend Penn

Friend Penn

Teddy Tornado

Teddy Tornado