

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Teddy Tornado

Teddy Tornado


Title: Teddy’s Tornado 

Author: Heidi Clugston 

Illustrator: David W. Miller 

Picture Book 

    Teddy’s Tornado was written about a little boy named Teddy. Teddy lives in Georgia and it often rains in the winter time. Teddy likes the rain, but today is different. His teacher is worried about the clouds in the sky, and his Mom is home from work when he gets home from school. It keeps raining and raining. Their neighbor, Mrs. Helen, tells them to come to her brick home because it’s safer. They run to Mrs. Helen’s house in the pounding rain. Then they hear a strange roaring noise. It’s the tornado! They huddled in the bathtub and soon it’s over. The next morning, they look out the window and their home has been destroyed! Now they live in a tiny movable trailer. Teddy’s Mom can’t afford to rebuild their house. FEMA and the local bank won’t give her enough money. They don’t what they are going to until they meet the local Christian Aid Ministries team. CAM offers to rebuild the house if Teddy’s Mom buys the supplies with her FEMA money. Soon they have a new house! 

    Many of us have participated in some way in Christian Aid Ministries. This book explains to children and adults alike what kind of work CAM can do in a storm ravaged community. Many people can be blessed through our sharing of our resources and time! Wonderful Book!

Samuel's Choice

Samuel's Choice

Too Many Tamales

Too Many Tamales