Something for Seymour
Photo Credit: CLP Publishing
Title: Something for Seymour
Author: Janis Good
Illustrator: David W. Miller
Picture Book
"Something for Seymour" is a children's story book written from an Anabaptist perspective. It tells the story of a struggling man who is looked down on by the world and himself but befriended by a caring Christian family. The author attempts to portray the difference between his worth in the eyes of the world and his worth in the eyes of Christ. When viewed by the world or himself, he is "Old Seymour" who isn't worth very much. In the eyes of the Christian family, he is "Seymour" and is worthy of a birthday party and fun gifts. The author has a good goal, but it is weakly portrayed. For the theme to accomplish its purpose, Seymour should have remained Seymour for the entire second half of the story, rather than return to being referred to as "Old Seymour." Also, the subtitle on the front of the book should refer to him as "Seymour," not "Old Seymour." If we desire to be a shining light for Christ to the world, we must be careful that our language is up-building and not rude. This book is written for grade 1 and up, but is not recommended.