

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Totally Surrounded - by Christina Di Stefano Davis

Totally Surrounded - by Christina Di Stefano Davis


Title: Totally Surrounded

Author: Christina Di Stefano Davis

Grade Level: 5&6th

"Totally Surrounded" is the powerful story of a young woman who boldly spread the Gospel in a very dangerous, unreached area of the Philippines. Christina accepted Christ as a teenager and moved to the Philippines at age 19. What was intended to be a trip of a few weeks turned into years and an amazing ministry. God worked in and through her in amazing and miraculous ways. This is definitely a must read.

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The Mystifying Twins - by Joan Price Reeve

The Mystifying Twins - by Joan Price Reeve

Beyond Dark Hills - by Jesse Stuart

Beyond Dark Hills - by Jesse Stuart