

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

The Mystifying Twins - by Joan Price Reeve

The Mystifying Twins - by Joan Price Reeve


Title: The Mystifying Twins

Author: Joan Price Reeve

Grade Level: 5&6th

"The Mystifying Twins" is a Ridgeview Publishing reprint of an old Moody Bible Institute book. Incredible written, full of adventure, with characters you will never forget, this book is well worth your time. As with many Moody books, the Gospel is clearly presented. Unfortunately, the cover on this reprint is very disappointing. If, however, you can look past that, this book is an excellent read for children.

Irenaeus of Lyon

Irenaeus of Lyon

Totally Surrounded - by Christina Di Stefano Davis

Totally Surrounded - by Christina Di Stefano Davis