

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

The Doll People Set Sail

The Doll People Set Sail


Title: The Doll People Set Sail

Author: Ann M. Martin and Laura Godwin

Illustrator: Brett Helquist

Grade Level: 5&6th

As always, this doll people book was a delight to read. As always, the story was partially told through detailed pictures. Unfortunately, the pictures are this book's downfall. There are superheroes...not a huge deal. However, there are also merdolls and mermen. They unsnap their tails so they can walk. They are included in a large number of illustrations and are very inappropriately dressed, including on the cover of the book. So, while the story was great, this book is not recommended for children.

Doll People Set Sail.png
Pordy's Prickly Problem

Pordy's Prickly Problem

A Dog Called Kitty

A Dog Called Kitty