

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

The Rusty Needle

The Rusty Needle


Title: The Rusty Needle 

Author: Miriam Wengerd 

Illustrator: Lisa Strubhar 

    This is the sweet story of a simple object, a needle. A needle like any other tool if used by a skilled workman can yield great results. In this story, a ten-year old girl is sent to buy a needle. She doesn’t seem to have enough money, so the storekeeper offers her a rusty needle. She takes this needle home to her Grandmother. Grandmother scrubs it till it shines like a new needle. Then Grandmother uses the needle to make comforts that are sent all over the world, to patch jeans and many other acts of kindness. Grandmother always tells the children how her life was like the rusty needle and Jesus scrubbed her and made her new. A nice sweet story. Again, it’s a little hard to read aloud due to the sentence structure and flow of the language.

Grandmother's cane.png
Skippyjon Jones

Skippyjon Jones

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You