

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Wonders of Creation

Wonders of Creation

Title: Wonders of Creation Series 

Author: Multiple Authors 

All Ages 

    The Wonders of Creations Series was published with Christians schools in mind. In fact, I actually ordered my set from Christian Light. This set is made to appeal to all ages with its colorful illustrations as well as more in dept research. I will make a slight disclaimer about this review. I just scanned these books and didn’t read them word for word. (They are long and came from Christian Light Publications…:)) 

The Archaeology Book by David Down

    Okay, this book was fascinating! Archaeology is quite unique and interesting. I really appreciate all the Biblical references in this book. Basically, it takes many of the current dig sites and links them to the Bible stories that match that time period. For example, it talks about the ancient city of Petra. It starts with highlighting how Esau’s descendants started the city. Then it talks about how some people think that Aaron is buried in the city of Petra and using geography to explain why that’s probably a false assumption. This book would be a fun parallel book to use in Bible Class. Somehow, these facts and picture about ancient cities bring them to life. 

The Cave Book by Emil Silvestru 

Stalactites hold tight to the top and stalagmite might be at the bottom. Many of us have heard that rhyme and it helps us ace our Science test, but that may be where we stop when we think about caves. This book helps us discover caves in a new way. It talks about how early man or cavemen used caves and how caves have played a part in the existence of man. This book also talks about the geological process that creates caves. This book does focus more on the existence of man rather than the geological process. 

The New Astronomy Book by Danny R. Faulkner 

The sky is a vast space whether you are viewing it during the day or during the night. This book highlights the vast space from our eight planets to galaxy to other stars in the vast universe. Again this book showcase the knowledge of the science of astronomy while using a Creationist worldview.

The New Weather Book by Michael Oard 

Weather showcases our Almighty God! Only He can control the weather, as we, mere mortals, adjust around his plan for the weather. This book talks about all kinds of weather from simple thunderstorms to complex and dangerous tornadoes and hurricanes. It also talks about clouds and jet streams. Weather really affects our everyday lives. Sometimes more than we think it does. This book allows you learn more about the weather around us.

The Geology Book by Dr. John D. Morris 

    Right now, you are standing on rock well actually, you are probably sitting on rock. You might not necessarily be sitting directly on rock. However if you go far enough below where you are sitting, you will find rock. This book talks about how the Grand Canyon was formed. I’ll give you a nice hint: it didn’t take millions of years. This book also talks about the different kinds of rock and how each was formed. Read this book to find out more about these subjects and many more rockin’ subjects. 

The Ecology Book by Tom Hennigan & Jean Lightner 

When God created the world, he created many intricate and odd things. His creative abilities are showcases in each and every animal, insect and living thing. This book talks about some of those interesting animals. This book also talks about our responsibility to protect and respect the earth that God created. We should strive to understand things about our earth, so that we can protect it according to God’s mandate in Genesis 1. 

The Mineral Book by David McQueen 

    Minerals have an odd way of showing up in different odd places. For instance, your body needs several minerals to survive. One of those minerals is salt. This book talks about the different kinds of salt that you have find all over the world. Each of these salts are special and unique. The book also talks about minerals that we use for gemstones like a diamond. It explains how diamonds are graded and what it takes to have a flawless diamond. This book also covers many other minerals that are vital to our existence.

The New Ocean Book by Frank Sherwin 

Last but not least, let’s talk about The New Ocean Book. The ocean is a mysterious place and still holds many many secrets. This book talks about all kinds of things about the ocean, like the ocean turbines that could be used to generate electricity. It also talks about some of the animals that are found in the ocean. The tides and currents are also discussed in this book along with many other facts about the ocean. Some people even say that the ocean is the one of the last undiscovered frontier on earth. So use this book to get studying about the world’s biggest mystery. 

Summer of the Talking Crow

Summer of the Talking Crow

I Didn't Know I was a Bully!

I Didn't Know I was a Bully!