

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Amal Unbound

Amal Unbound


Title: Amal Unbound

Author: Aisha Saeed


               Twelve-year old Amal loves poetry and learning. She dreams of going to university and becoming a teacher. These are big dreams for a young girl from a dusty village located deep in the country of Pakistan. Amal’s dreams come crashing down when she sasses back the man who owns most of the village, including Amal’s father’s debts. Now, Amal must live at his house and serve his mother. Amal learns to fit into the household, but still dreams of having a future. Can Amal escape this toxic household and live her dreams?

               This a fabulous book! Definitely being added to my list of must-read books for tween girls! It’s clean, but very thought provoking. Honestly, so many times I take for grateful the freedoms I have every day. Highly recommend this book!

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The Only Road & The Crossroads

The Only Road & The Crossroads

My Family Divided

My Family Divided