

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Belly Up

Belly Up


Title: Belly Up

Author: Stuart Gibbs

Grade Level: 5&6th

Teddy lives at the perfect place, FunJungle! FunJungle is the newest zoo meets amusement parks, and they have this sweet mascot, Harry the Hippo. Unfortunately Harry the Hippo’s disposition could be improved as he is grouchy and loves flinging mud, etc at guests. However annoying Harry maybe, the whole zoo mourns his loss after his unfortunate accident. Teddy guesses that his death can’t be an accident and sneaks into Harry’s autopsy to confirm his suspicions. Shore enough, Harry’s death was intentional. Who would want to kill Harry? Teddy decides to investigate his death and his investigation leads him to Summer. Can they find Harry’s killer in time to save FunJungle?

Just be aware that the relationship between Summer and Teddy turns a bit awkward. I didn’t approve this book for our library because of the inappropriate relationship, an awkward swimming incident, and excessive disobedience. The story it’s self is interesting and engaging, however I feel that books for 5&6th graders really shouldn’t have boy/girl relationships in them because they are way too young for that kind of stuff!! 😏

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Trailblazers 1 Series- Evangelists and Pioneers

Trailblazers 1 Series- Evangelists and Pioneers

To Grandma's House

To Grandma's House