

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Like a Mighty Giant

Like a Mighty Giant

Photo Credit: TGS International

Photo Credit: TGS International

Title: Like a Mighty Giant

Author: Rachael Lofgren

Grade Level: Adult

"Like a Mighty Giant" tells the story of Tenny, a Costa Rican woman. As a young child, Tenny discovers the power of prayer through praying for animals and watching God miraculously heal them. As a young woman, she marries, and she and her husband find God. Because of persecution, her husband turns his back on God and leaves her. Tenny then experiences times of trusting and persevering in faith as well as times of turning her back on God. At about eighty years old, she joins the Mennonite church in Costa Rica and asks God for fifteen more years to serve him. This is the simple story of a simple woman who faces challenges and chooses to follow "The Mighty Giant."

Mighty Giant.png
Utterly Me, Clarice Bean - by Lauren Child

Utterly Me, Clarice Bean - by Lauren Child

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