

We are the Book Pilgrims. We invite you to journey with us through the pages of books. 

Alvin and Amelia Live on a Farm - by Katie Weber

Alvin and Amelia Live on a Farm - by Katie Weber

Photo Credit: CLP Publishing

Photo Credit: CLP Publishing

Title: Alvin and Amelia Live on a Farm

Author: Katie Weber

Grade Level: Chapter Books

This is the second in the Alvin and Amelia series for new readers. In this book, the children learn what is okay to play in the house and what should be played outside. They learn how to help make ice cream and cake and how to take care of their little sister who is learning to walk. First graders will enjoy reading about life on Alvin and Amelia's farm.

Dream Freedom - by Sonia Levitin

Dream Freedom - by Sonia Levitin

Three Names

Three Names